Apply for Coaching

Thank you for your interest in working with me. To better understand your needs and goals, please take a few minutes to complete the following questionnaire.

Please Note: Filling out this application is not an immediate commitment to any of my programs. Follow the prompts  to schedule a call with Coach Felicia to further discuss if you are a right fit for this program.

Please fill out the form below in detail:

Name (first and last)* Required field!
Email* Required field!
Age* Required field!
Instagram (Used as a backup contact method)* Required field!
What are your 3 main health and fitness goals right now?* Required field!
What is your #1 health or fitness goal you wish to accomplish in the next 3-12 months? [Be specific]* Required field!
Why do you think you haven't been able to reach these goals yet on your own?* Required field!
How is your current relationship with nutrition and fitness? [Please describe in detail]* Required field!
What support are you looking for in a coach if we decided to work together?* Required field!
Which plan are you wanting to sign up for?* Required field!
If accepted, are you financially ready to make this investment into yourself?* Required field!
Is there anything else I should know about you?* Required field!
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